Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Minute Review of the Best Little & Ashley

                      L&A are just right!                               via
So, i'm sure you've heard of Amazon's Kindle, and seen those funny commercials which are normally in stop-motion...does the one on the left look a little familiar? Guess who that is?! Annie Little (now Ashley) who also sings on a lot of the advertisements for the Kindle! Her husband Marcus Ashley, pictured next to her (yes, he's a fortunate man..), also produces the songs with her and they have a sound which can light up any room.

Little & Ashley is a duo fit for kings and queens. Look up the words "cheerful" and "flair" in a dictionary and i'm pretty sure you'll find, "See 'Little & Ashley'" as proof this pair is a synonym of both words. The vocals are nothing short of just right and the instruments chosen are broad, as i'm sure you know if you've seen any of the commercials. Their sound ranges from soft synth beats and loops, to electric guitar rockin' out like in "Thousand Falling Stars" (Hint: no cost, free...)

In recent news, these two are parents! & they have a full length album coming out sooon!! i Know, too much to handle. i'm still trying to contain myself. In addition, this li'l group of merry but busy people are talented actors as well and have been in several commercials (not including Amazon), TV shows, and movies. To learn more, watch this video about their lives together.

i Had the huge pleasure of meeting them (couldn't go see them at their show not being 21 at the time, which stunk royally), and they are the most humble and nice individuals. So, go check these two out and 'like' them as their facebook numbers are too low (less than 3.5K) and start enjoying the best duo that ever was!


  1. Like you, I like finding new people to listen to but you are doing a much better at it then me. Loving all these new artist you're finding!

  2. I'll check them out. I've been wanting to find something different music wise, but I haven't had the time to do so.

  3. I definitely need to check into their music- they sound AMAZING, just like the many artists you've talked about. I'm looking forward to your next post! :)

  4. Are they local, or were you traveling and saw them. Enjoyed the background on this couple and look forward to hearing their upcoming album. I "liked" them on FB too.

    1. Thanks so much! i'm sure they appreciate it!
      They're based out of CA and on my "Sources" page i explained i had randomly, fortunately found them on Amazon!! Really neat.


Thanks for your feedback! -theo